Word Drunk

Word Drunk - Charles Levin Author

[Note: Renata and Juan are both important characters in my recently-released, thriller novel NOT SO GONE ] Crazy Nonsense “Stop! Stop filling my head with your crazy nonsense,” Renata cries. “Sorry, I’m addicted to breathing and your crazy ex, Brad, almost put an end to that. It’s not nonsense. Look at this.” Juan lowers his collar,…

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Zombie Phone

Zombie Phone - Charles Levin - Author

Who’s listening? This week we take a fictional look at a very non-fictional issue surrounding our personal privacy. —————————————————————————————————————————————————– Huh? I first saw it resting in a planter next to our table at Café Cucina. A black rectangle was camouflaged against the dark soil amid the thick stalks of a corn plant. I bent down…

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Men Working In Trees

A little fictional roadside whimsy this week . . . Enjoy! ——————————————————————— Lea stares at her reflection in the glass window at Starbucks. She likes having blue eyes in a brown-eyed world. She settles back with her hot coffee, breathes in the aroma like a fine wine, and gently sips. People coming and going in…

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A Belated Priceless Gift

My Parents - Charles Levin Author

Here’s another departure from my usual non-fiction and occasional fiction on this blog. A very personal true story . . .  Unknown Man I never knew him. He died when I was a year old. But I heard growing up that my father when he was alive, liked to take home movies. I had never seen…

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Email Marketing – Why Resend?

Charles Levin Author

[Taking a different tach this time in my blog, which usually covers the latest in tech with some occasional fiction thrown in. This week we look at a nuanced tech trick for getting better results from your Email Marketing efforts.] Email Marketing to Your List is Still the #1 Most Productive & Cost-Effective Selling Tool…

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Micro Stories

Charles levin Author

What’s a Micro Story? What’s a Micro Story? I have been a fan of Short Stories since I was a kid. Maybe it’s because I’m a slow reader and like the satisfaction of being able to enjoy a full story from beginning to end in one sitting. As an adult, I got hooked on what…

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Death By Device

Charles Levin Author of NOT SO DEAD

[Note: Enjoy this work of short fiction that riffs on the latest in digital and voice technology. This post is a departure from my usual non-fiction look at tech trends and artificial intelligence.] Lea Swan parks her Audi just outside the yellow tape. Lights atop emergency vehicles are flashing. There’s a crowd of reporters, and…

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What Does The Facebook Privacy Debacle Mean To Me?

Protect Privacy - Charles Levin - Author

“If the Product is free, you are the Product.” So goes a famous saying in techland. What does that mean? It means if somebody is giving something away for free, they must be getting something in return. In the case of all those free apps on your phone, what the App Developers get is your…

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A Cure For Death? Immortalists And Entrepreneurs

Cure for Death - Charles Levin - Not So Dead - Thrillers Author

Will there be a cure for death in your lifetime? I won’t even parse the built-in paradox in that sentence, but I will give you an answer to the question, upfront. The answer is Maybe. Now that may seem disappointingly vague, but the mere fact that the answer is not No, is amazing. Longevity Entrepreneurs…

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Do-It-Yourself Gene Hacking – Good, Bad, Ugly And Scary

Gene Hacking - Charles Levin - Author Thrillers

What if someone could buy all the genetic engineering tools and materials, for a few hundred dollars online, to develop a cure for a disease or start a plague? Science fiction, right? Nope. You can now order your gene hacking supplies at Odin.com to get started. New gene hacking tools, including the powerful CRISPR/Cas9, allow…

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